water fun at Auntie Suzy's house

at the beach with cousin Andrea

Carly's dance recital

beach day

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cancer Free

Lumbar Puncture and lab results came back all "within normal range". Abby continues to be in remission!

Friday, July 29, 2011

MRI Results

MRI showed "no evidence of recurrence". Still awaiting lumbar puncture and lab results.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Routine Tests

Abby had an MRI of her brain and spinal cord today. Along with that she had a lumbar puncture and lots of lab work. Results will take a few days. These exams are to make sure there are no cancer cells. If all results are negative and clear she will continue to be in remission.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Still in Remission!!!

All of Abby's labs came back normal. Yeah!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

MRI Results

MRI showed "no evidence of disease". Good News! Still awaiting results from tumor maker test.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another MRI

Abby had a routine MRI and labs today. This is the first one since being in remission. Today's MRI was of her brain and spinal cord. The blood tests included the tumor marker and hormone levels. No results yet.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Port is out

The surgical procedure to remove the port was today. It lasted about 45 minutes and it went smoothly. Abby is home today. She will be sore for the next few days, but is allowed to resume all of her activities that she was not allowed to do while the port was in place.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

This is a Happy New Year indeed! We are overwhelmed with joy that Abby is in remission and is doing well. Her hair is growing back (hopefully her teeth will too soon) and she looks healthy and herself again. 2011 is going to be a great year!

Abby will be getting her port out on January 18th. The port-a-cath or "port" is a central line inserted under the skin into a vein near the heart that allowed her to receive chemo treatments. To remove it is a surgical procedure. This truly marks and ending to all the treatments. Although, she will continue to be monitored by doctors for many years to come, we take this as a very good sign. Abby will continue to have a MRI every 3 months and a lumbar puncture once a year and labs to check for tumor markers to make sure the cancer has not returned. She is not considered "cured" until she is 5 years cancer free. Along with that she will be monitored by an Endocrinologist for her hormone levels due to her low functioning pituitary and thyroid glands. Within the next few months, Cori and Craig will learn more about growth hormone injections that Abby will need to help maximize her growth potential and get through puberty.

On a personal note, I just wanted to thank you all for reading my blog and I thank you for all the love and support you have given our family. I look back at all that Abby has been through with disbelief. She has been so strong and positive and I am so unbelievable grateful that she is doing well. Her experience truly puts things in perspective and shows you what is really important.

Continue to keep Abby in your thoughts and prayers as her journey continues!

Wishing you and your families health, love and peace in 2011! Happy New Year!