water fun at Auntie Suzy's house

at the beach with cousin Andrea

Carly's dance recital

beach day

Monday, June 28, 2010

Discharged Today

Abby went home today. The medication put in her port was able to clear the line and it is now functioning properly. Also, her blood counts are rising and did not require a blood transfusion. 


Abby is still in the hospital. She is doing fine, but there has been a turn of events. Her port may be failing. The nurses are able to push fluids in the line to flush it, but unable to draw blood from the port. Medication has been put in the port to try and clear the line. We will know later today if that was successful. In addition, her blood counts are still low and not rising. Blood tests today will determine if she needs another transfusion. 

This visit to the hospital Abby has been pretty bored. The playroom is only open for 2 hours each day on the weekend. She has to wear her mask while in the playroom since her counts are so low, she had a fever and she is very susceptible to infection. She doesn't really like wearing her mask, so her visit to the playroom yesterday was brief.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Transfusion and Hospitalization

Thursday, Abby had a platelet transfusion. Her levels were at an all time low. Friday afternoon, Abby had a slight fever. She was monitored at home. She continued to have a fever and the chills. She was admitted to the hospital late Friday night for her fever and vomiting. She will be there at least 48 hours. Abby is complaining that her head hurts. I will post as I get more information. 

Another bump in the road, but we are approaching the home stretch soon. 

Radiation scheduled to begin in approx. 3 more weeks. Cori and Craig have decided to have radiation done in San Diego at Moore's Cancer Center at UCSD. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thank You

Wow, who knew that a garage sale could be so much fun! Thank you so much to everyone who came to help make this fundraiser such a success!!!  A HUGE amount of money was raised. A special thank you to Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Ray for hosting this event. Thank you also to Cody Maxwell for coming and helping out and delivering furniture to those whose cars couldn't accommodate such big items. Thank you to my family, you know who you are, for getting up at such an obnoxious hour and setting up. Lastly and most importantly, THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who donated items for the garage sale, without these donations the garage sale would not have been possible.
Much love to all,
Cori and Craig

Friday, June 11, 2010

Update 6-11-10

Today is Abby's last day of chemo!!! Yeah!!! This round of chemo has been pretty uneventful. No reactions to medications. She has been feeling nauseous. She takes Zofran for nausea, but that was not strong enough. In addition to Zofran, she is taking Reglan for nausea. Since she has had reactions to medications in the past, she is given Benadryl before any new medications. All three medications make you sleepy, so Abby has slept most of the time the past two days. She should go home tonight after completing chemo.

Tomorrow is the garage sale at Grandma Jackie's house. Stop by for a visit or rummage through the goods. 
30587 Calle Pina Colada
(Meadow View Estates) 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fourth and Final Round!!!

Abby was admitted to the hospital today for her final round of chemo! 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Platelets and Vision

Abby is at the hospital now getting a platelet transfusion. This should take about an hour and is given in the outpatient clinic. 

Prior to the transfusion today, Abby had a breathing treatment. This is to keep her lungs strong and healthy and prevent pneumonia. Abby was on a medication to help prevent pneumonia, but apparently it tastes awful and she refused to take it. So, now she will have a breathing treatment once a month for the next 9 months. 

Yesterday, Abby went to the Opthamologist for a vision test to see if the treatments are effecting her vision. They found that she was having trouble seeing close up and will need glasses. This is apparently not a result of chemo treatments and she needed glasses anyway. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Garage Sale Reminder

Reminder: Grandma Jackie is hosting a garage sale on Saturday, June 12th at her house in Temecula. If you would like to donate items to sell, please contact Jackie to coordinate. All proceeds will go to Abby's medical expense fund. All unsold items will be donated to the American Cancer Society.

Jackie's cell 951-805-7097  or jackieo4@verizon.net