water fun at Auntie Suzy's house

at the beach with cousin Andrea

Carly's dance recital

beach day

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Platelets and Vision

Abby is at the hospital now getting a platelet transfusion. This should take about an hour and is given in the outpatient clinic. 

Prior to the transfusion today, Abby had a breathing treatment. This is to keep her lungs strong and healthy and prevent pneumonia. Abby was on a medication to help prevent pneumonia, but apparently it tastes awful and she refused to take it. So, now she will have a breathing treatment once a month for the next 9 months. 

Yesterday, Abby went to the Opthamologist for a vision test to see if the treatments are effecting her vision. They found that she was having trouble seeing close up and will need glasses. This is apparently not a result of chemo treatments and she needed glasses anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see Abby in her stylish new shades! What a smarty pants being able to do so well in school with needing glasses.
