water fun at Auntie Suzy's house

at the beach with cousin Andrea

Carly's dance recital

beach day

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Great News Today!!

Last week Abby had an MRI and a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). Results given today showed that there are no cancer cells in her cerebral spinal fluid. There had not been any cancer cells in her CSF all along, so the good news is that it did not spread. Along with that, her MRI looks clean and normal. The tumor cannot been seen. Even more great news is that all of her lab counts are normal By normal, I mean they are normal of when she was healthy and pre cancer diagnosis. There are no tumor markers or elevated blood levels that would indicate cancer. She is not "cured" yet. Any remaining cancers cells that she has are at the microscopic level and still requires radiation. We are very excited about the progress she is making. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Today, Abby went to the radiation clinic to be fitted for her mask. This mesh like mask will secure her head to a platform so she does not move during radiation treatments. She will have 4 weeks of radiation and will begin next week.


  1. Hi Abby
    We are so happy to hear the good news! You are AWESOME. We love you Becky, Mat, Jake, Cassidy and Brody xoxoxoxoxo

  2. YOU GO GIRL.You are so strong.Im a proud to call you one of my sister girl scouts!
    Love Krista & Jordon

  3. Awesome news!!!!!

  4. Awesome news!!!!

  5. PRAISE GOD! That is awesome news. We are all so excited and can't wait to see you again soon.
    Shelley, Tesla Anne and Melon Head
