water fun at Auntie Suzy's house

at the beach with cousin Andrea

Carly's dance recital

beach day

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What can we do?

It looks like Abby will have the port put in on Friday and starting chemo on Monday, April 4th. It is times like these in our lives where we all feel helpless yet we want to do something. So many people have asked "what can we do" to help them and Abby through this process? I have a few suggestions. Abby has enjoyed the cards from her friends, videos of friends, thoughtful gifts and things to do while in the hospital. Cori and Craig will have their computer while at the hospital, so emails and pictures are welcomed and appreciated.  To make things a little easier while they are at home, meals are always appreciated. I realize that not everyone lives nearby and can make food, but gift cards for them to pick up dinner would be very helpful. Temecula has most restaurant chains, but some of the family favorites include CPK, Rubios, BJ's pizza, Starbucks:), In and Out, Cheesecake Factory and PF Changs. 

During chemo treatments, Abby will need to limit her exposure to germs and will be home schooled by her teacher from her school. It is truly unbelievable what is happening to Abby. On behalf of the Radke's and our entire family, we thank you for the love, support, prayers, phone calls, emails and concern for our girl! 


  1. I am a mother whose son went to school with Abby in kindergarten and has seen Cori a couple times at the Starbucks drive thru:) How can we get the gift cards to the family? We would like to help the family. Please email me at ang42worthy@hotmail.com with the info. Abby and the whole family are in our prayers.


  2. Cori,Craig & Abby,
    You are all in our thoughts & prayers during this difficult time. We hope that the medinine will work well * quick to make Abby feel great real soon. Our love & prayers are with you. Bonnie & Stan WIlson

  3. Hey Cori, Craig, Abby,

    We are thinking of you today and sending good thoughts and prayers for you. You all are such a wonderful family and know that we are here for each of you. Your pictures are beautiful. I will have your cd ready on Friday!

    The Waddells

  4. Julie,
    I would like to thank you for taking the time to keep us all up to date on the Abby's progress. You are such an awesome sister, aunt, mom, and everything else that you are. We are still praying for Abby. We know this is a difficult time and I am speaking from experience. Keep the faith, Julie and take care of yourself and your little ones too. We love you all.

  5. hi Abby,

    I've never met you but have heard so many wonderful things about you and Mason and Carly. My daughter is Sue and while she was having so much fun with you she would often call me after babysitting and tell me all about the great day you had. So that's why i feel like i know you. One day i would like to be able to come and see you and your brother and sister with Sue before you get all grown up. Be good and have fun.

    Lotsa Love Pete Pelletier

  6. Cori,

    Your beautiful daughter is in our daily thoughts and prayers as well as you and your entire family. Please try to hold close to your heart that so many people are praying for your sweet Abby girl. ((((big hugs))))

    Shannon (McCarthy) Munson
