water fun at Auntie Suzy's house

at the beach with cousin Andrea

Carly's dance recital

beach day

Friday, April 9, 2010

Home to a Germ Free Zone

Abby was discharged from the hospital today. She did really well with her first round of chemo. Doctors and Nurses explained that the effects of chemo will come 5-7 days after chemo. Meaning, she may feel tired, nauseous, lose of appetite, start losing hair and generally feel weak. The chemo eliminated cell division in her body and now her body needs to recover from that. She will have blood tests once a week to test white blood bells, red blood cells and platelets and see how they are restoring. During this time, Abby is susceptible to infection and illness. It is important for her to stay in a germ free environment (as much as possible) to stay healthy. She also needs to stay healthy to be able to get the next round of chemo.  Abby will be home schooled. She cannot go in crowded germ filled places (mall, grocery store, restaurants or even the park due to germs on the play equipment). No flowers or exposure to plants and grass due to the pollen and fungus she could inhale. It is a whole new way of life. 


  1. Welcome home, Abby! Emma's mom and I just heard about all this yesterday. We can't believe all this. We're so sorry you have to be going through all this and hope you know that you and your family are in our prayers. We'll be watching for new updates, and hope that all will be good news.
    Lexi says hi and hopefully we can get one of your favorite dinners together to bring to your family. We know you can't have visitors, so we'll figure out another way to say hi!
    Hope you have a great day and enjoy your home schooling!
    loves from
    Tandy and Lexi Liebhardt (from soccer! ;))

  2. Hey Abby! I have never met you but your auntie Julie told me about what a brave little girl you are and shared this website with me! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family as you endure this journey that will forever strengthen you!
    Sara Lingwall

  3. Dear Abby, We are so happy to hear that you got to go home from the hospital. We hope you are recovering well from your chemo. You are such a brave girl!!! You are very lucky to have so many loving family members and friends supporting you and praying for you. It has been a long time since we had the pleasure of playing with you, Mason and baby Carlie. We have many pictures that we hope to be able to share with you soon. Stay Strong, Miss Abby!
    All our love, Katie, Alex, Nicholas, and Cindi

  4. Hi Abby! That is such a cool sign you made for your room. I love the way you write your letters. You are being so responsible about keeping away from yucky germs! You have always been a responsible girl. Sending you ribbons of love.

    Ms. Maureen in Arizona
